About me

Hello, I’m Amy. I’m a former primary school teacher and still work in education in Somerset. I grew up in Nottinghamshire, and spent much of my childhood reading as many spooky stories as I could, encouraged by my late father, who loved the thrill of a good ghost story. During my university career at Peterhouse, Cambridge, I hoped to catch a glimpse of something scary, but like my heroine Joan Aiken I was disappointed never to see a ghostly apparition myself.

I live with my husband, the fearsomely cool Chris (who created the banner for this website from an image by Bjorn Wiinblad) and is sometimes known – mainly by me – as Badger.

I created this blog to write about the things I love – strange stories, things that go bump in the night, badgers, Scandi design and travelling. The name comes from an anthology of ghost stories I read a while ago, wonderfully subtitled ‘spectral stories by the gentle sex’. There’ll be no fancy textual analysis here, no rationalisation of interpretation or reckless use of the term ‘post-structuralist’ – just some rambling thoughts and opinions based on a lifelong love of spine-chilling stuff.